If you think you can just put maintenance and repairs on the backburner and ignore a leaky roof, then you’re putting your family and property at risk. Having a leaky roof isn’t just inconvenient; it poses a real threat to your home’s structural integrity and a danger to your family.

That’s why we at DryTech Roofing, a premier roofing company in Maryland, never grow tired of reminding our community to get their roof inspected and maintained regularly even if your budget is tight. Don’t put your family’s health and safety at risk. Furthermore, delaying maintenance and repair will only cost you more in the end as leaks can do more damage when left neglected for a long time.

Here are some dangers you might encounter if you delay roofing maintenance and repairs:

  • Structural Damage – when water seeps through the roof, it can easily make its way to other parts of your house, including the rafters, attic, and ceiling. It may even reach your property’s foundation, posing serious danger to your home’s structural integrity.
  • Health Dangers – molds and mildews are will surely proliferate when there’s a leak; and they are not just an eye sore. They can also lead to several health issues, such as asthma, nasal congestion, and inflammations.
  • Fire & Electrocution Hazards – as mentioned above, water can easily reach different parts of your house, including the wiring in the attic and behind the walls; and this could lead to shorted wires, electrocutions, and fires.
  • Slip & Fall Hazards – When you have a major leak, there’s bound to be a pool of water on the floor, which can be a slip and fall hazard. This is a serious concern, especially if you have kids who love to run around the house.
  • Energy Loss – Leaks may cause energy to escape through the roof. As a result, your HVAC system will have to work harder to maintain comfort in your home, increasing your energy costs.

As you can see, there really are serious dangers if you neglect roof maintenance and repair. To avoid problems, we at DryTech Roofing suggest getting your roofing in Maryland inspected at least twice a year. If you want to know more about roof maintenance and our services, just give us a call and we’ll be more than happy to assist you with your questions.