Vinyl siding doesn’t need a lot of upkeep, but keep in mind that low-maintenance doesn’t mean no maintenance. If vinyl siding isn’t occasionally cleaned, stubborn dirt stains could start to form on the surface of vinyl siding. A pressure wash can help you clean vinyl siding faster. But if you don’t have a pressure washer, there are other efficient ways to clean vinyl siding. 

Read on as the siding contractors at DryTech Roofing LLC share some cleaning tips below:

Use a Long-Handled, Soft-Bristle Brush

The Vinyl Siding Institute recommends using a soft cloth and long-handled, soft-bristle brush to clean vinyl siding. Unlike hard-bristle brushes, soft-bristle brushes can reach into the grooves of textured siding, making sure dirt isn’t left behind. 

As for the cleaning solution, it’s best to use a mild, homemade cleaning solution made of 70% water and 30% white vinegar. For stubborn stains, you can use a commercial cleaner or a solution made from one-third cup laundry detergent, two-thirds cup powdered household cleaner, one-quart bleach and one gallon of water. 

Important note: Before using a commercial cleaning solution, you should check the manufacturer’s manual for chemicals that can damage vinyl siding. In general, you should avoid cleaners that contain organic solvents, grease or nail polish removers, undiluted chlorine bleach. If you’re not sure about whether a cleaning solution is safe to use or not, it’s best to consult one of your local vinyl siding contractors

Observe Proper Techniques 

  • Divide your home’s vinyl siding into 5 x 5-foot areas – It’s more practical to start with the dirtiest parts of the vinyl siding and then work your way to the mild stains. 
  • Start cleaning from the bottom of the vinyl siding – Scrubbing from the bottom-up can help prevent streaks from forming on vinyl siding. 
  • Rinse your vinyl siding with water frequently – Frequent rinsing prevents uneven drying. 

Of course, no amount of maintenance will be able to improve your vinyl siding’s appearance if it’s looking a bit worn. This is usually a sign it’s time to get a siding replacement. If you’re planning a siding replacement, don’t forget to vet siding contractors before hiring them. 

DryTech Roofing LLC, a company with over two decades of experience, offers a wide range of professional exterior services, including siding replacement services. To request a quote, call us at (240) 491-5600 or fill out this form. We serve homeowners in Maryland.