The best vinyl siding offers great protection for your home against the elements. It helps reduce your energy use, and it also raises your home’s market value. But even siding gets old, and with age may come a host of problems.

Siding Looking

How can you keep your siding looking and functioning like new for a longer time? One of the area’s most trusted siding contractors, DryTech Roofing, offers this advice for keeping your siding in shape.

Clean It Once a Year

Cleaning vinyl siding is the best way to take care of it, and it’s also a pretty straightforward process. Use a manufacturer-recommended brush, a clean sponge, your garden hose and a mild detergent. Scrub gently and carefully to remove built-up dirt, and use the soft brush to get rid of the dirt between panels.

Inspect for Faults

An annual cleaning is the best opportunity to inspect your siding for any faults, but it’s also a good idea to do an inspection between cleanings. You can have the panels replaced if they have sustained cracks, before the problem gets any worse. Vinyl doesn’t rot, but it can trap moisture. Ask your siding contractors to repair this issue before water damage causes a more expensive concern.

Remove Sources of Heat

Siding already has to contend with the scorching heat of the sun, so don’t subject it to other sources of heat. Relocate your barbecue grill a safe distance from your siding. Consider the same if you’re building an outdoor firepit or putting up some tiki torches and strong lights.

Ask First Before Painting

Vinyl siding contractors like us typically answer questions about vinyl siding painting, and it’s good that homeowners care enough about their siding to ask first before doing anything. The right type of paint adds a new layer of protection to your siding, making it last longer and improving its appeal too. Depending on the theme of your home, it’s usually better to use lighter colors, as they absorb less heat. Dark paints absorb more heat and may eventually cause your siding to warp.

DryTech Roofing has the expertise to replace and maintain your vinyl siding. Call us at (240) 491-5600. We work with homeowners in the Maryland area.