When you’re looking for roofing companies, a quick Google search can give you thousands of different results and, depending on your location, you’ll find that quite a handful of them are even local to you. A majority of these companies are actually good and reliable who will help you with whatever roofing project you have in mind from start to finish.


Unfortunately, there are also a few unscrupulous individuals who may not have your best interests in mind. Whether they lack the skills or are simply out there to scam homeowners, you want to stay away from these roofers at all costs.

Our experienced professionals at DryTech Roofing LLC recommend letting your roofer go if they display any of the following red flags:

Contract Violations

If you’ve done your due diligence with your roofing company before signing any contract, there should be a clause there that can terminate said contract. Make sure you review this first before taking any action. If your roofer has not fulfilled their part of the deal after a reasonable time, termination clauses often allow you to void your agreement.

Delays, Absences and Unprofessionalism

Contracts often define a timeline under which the project should be completed. If your roofer consistently fails to show up to work, it’s unlikely that they’ll meet their estimated completion date. Delays are a normal part of any project but delays directly caused by unprofessional behavior are reason enough to fire your contractor.

Poor Work Quality

Whatever roofing project you have planned, whether it’s a full replacement or a small patch up job, roofing work usually costs a lot of money. If you think that the quality of work your roofer is showing is not consistent with what you’re paying, let them go.

At DryTech Roofing LLC, you can trust our team of skilled contractors to give you the excellent service in all your roofing projects. Give us a call at (240) 491-5600 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and request a free estimate today. We serve homeowners in Maryland.